Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
What kind of websites were you planning to build?
I first became interested in website publishing when a friend of mine wrote and successfully published a novel, and to compliment this occasion I suggested that I help him launch a website to showcase his many accomplishments. I had no experience doing so, but I knew what I wanted. I needed software that would allow me to efficiently handle a large amount of text, images and media files without becoming bogged down in design issues. What I thought would be a daunting task became a pleasurable experience, and since then I have helped publish a myriad of other personal, school and even some corporate sites.
How did you hear about Sandvox?
I spent some time doing Google searches for web building software for MAC, and downloaded test software from several companies, including Sandvox. It wasn't long before I purchased Sandvox's pro version so that I could include HTML snippets such as weather as well as Flash® movies and audio files, etc.
What made you decide to get Sandvox?
I chose Sandvox because it is the one web building program for MAC that allows me to put together content quickly without having to worry too much about design issues. But what really impresses me is the look of the final product. Simplicity in production does not result in sparse looking websites. To the contrary, sites made with Sandvox are rich and interactive, rivaling any out there for style and functionality.
Now that you have Sandvox, what do you like about it?
I am very pleased with the fact that, since I purchased Sandvox years ago, Sandvox keeps evolving into a sophisticated offering that has not lost its intuitive simplicity. I particularly like the growing number of design templates available through Sandvox's new "discover plug-ins" feature. Along with an increasing variety of "Pages", "Pagelet" and "Collections" types, it is easier than ever to build a rich, interactive site in a lot less time than it takes with other similar software. I know . . . I own nearly every web building program for MAC . . . and I keep coming back to Sandvox.
What would be a good way to search for a program like Sandvox?
Web design software for MAC, Website building for MAC
A Stone on Their Cairn / Clach air An Càrn — A Cape Breton Saga
“My website features a fair amount of video and audio media, but I was not entirely happy with QuickTime, as I kept receiving complaints (especially from Windows users) that they were unable to view videos. So I purchased Mac software to convert movies and audio clips to Flash, and used Sandvox's...”
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