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Sandvox User Profile: Peter Billard

Location: Glastonbury, Connecticut, USA

What kind of websites were you planning to build?

Two primary objectives–create a good looking display of samples from my photography business, and make it friendlier and easier for visitors than most of what's out there.

How did you hear about Sandvox?

I first came across Sandvox in a helpful article in Macworld magazine from July 2012. It talked about alternatives to iWeb and MobileMe. I thoroughly looked at Sandvox, RapidWeaver, and 3-4 online web creators. I chose Sandvox.

What made you decide to get Sandvox?

Sandvox had good help information, claimed to be easy to use, and had what I felt was an authentic spirit behind it. It has clarity, adequate features for a non-professional web person, and has sufficient customization if you put your mind to it. It has a large and active community. Sandvox forum admins were quick to answer my initial questions before I bought it.

Now that you have Sandvox, what do you like about it?

I wanted a program I could learn (without giving up being a photographer), but very importantly, make additions, updates, and changes to the website whenever I wanted, without having to submit changes to a web designer and cross my fingers they'd do it right. I'm pleased with the final appearance. Now I must master the keywords, meta description, tags, plus tap into the Google tools.

Peter Billard Photographer

Peter Billard Photographer

“The real test of my Sandvox website is yet to come. I made it, for sure, but now it has to pull its own weight and get work for me. Prospective clients who do their homework will look at the samples of several photographers, then contact the one(s) that best fit the bill. Websites are ideal...”

business photo studio professional portrait corporate