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Sandvox User Profile: Sean Walsh and Sarah Hauschka

Location: Seattle, Washington, USA

What kind of websites were you planning to build?

I am a knitter. I have published some patterns, and a pamphlet through FiberTrends which has been very popular. I primarily want to blog what I am working on beyond patterns, namely knitted art. I want to show my pieces in an informal portfolio. At some point, if I decide to sell my own patterns, I might want to sell from the site.

I also wanted to use the blog as a kind of diary for family and friends.

How did you hear about Sandvox?

I asked for a website on which to blog for Christmas. My son-in-law, Sean, the other half of the team settled on Sandvox as an intuitive platform. I don't know how he found it.

Now that you have Sandvox, what do you like about it?

I am new to website construction. I have found Sandvox to be will designed, and I am slowly learning how to use it. The instructional video is very helpful. I wish I could jump from one chapter to another without looking at the whole thing at once. I got this for christmas, and I was publishing a blog with pictures the next day. I am adding features and correcting things as I go.

What would be a good way to search for a program like Sandvox?

start a blog, intuitive web platform, blog website

Knitting, Music, Miscellany

Knitting, Music, Miscellany

“The designs were all attractive and easily changed bothbefore and after the fact. I can continue to edit my site as learn more about it.”

blog life musical knitting