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Sandvox User Profile: Christopher J. Patton

Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

What kind of websites were you planning to build?

Minnesota Elderberry Growers' web site provides general information about the biology, cultivation and benefits of consuming elderberry derived products. It also communicates its mission, goals, and accomplishments to its members and the general public.

How did you hear about Sandvox?

Google search for a Mac-friendly web publisher

What made you decide to get Sandvox?

Good reviews, simplicity, and price

Now that you have Sandvox, what do you like about it?

The support is great. I am learning about the rest. It is hard not to go directly into the HTML code easily and to adjust to the loss of CSS style sheets. I want something less than Dreamweaver but more than wyswyg.

Minnesota Elderberry Cooperative

Minnesota Elderberry Cooperative

“Minnesota Elderberry Growers' web site provides general information about the biology, cultivation, and benefits of consuming elderberry derived products. It also communicates its mission, goals and accomplishments to its members and the general public.”

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Minnesota Elderberry Cooperative

Minnesota Elderberry Cooperative

“Minnesota Elderberry Growers' web site provides general information about the biology, cultivation, and benefits of consuming elderberry derived products. It also communicates its mission, goals and accomplishments to its members and the general public.”

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