Location: France, South Africa
What kind of websites were you planning to build?
A catalogue of recent works of art: painting, drawing and pastel pictures. I meet lots of people while painting who ask where they might see more of my images and checked out Dropbox, finding it not useful to me, and so decided to create a simple website in which people can navigate through my paintings, enlarge them if they wish, and get in touch with me wherever I am in the world. As I travel frequently, a website seemed obvious. I intend upgrading it, changing it and enlarging it with a fair frequency - also dependent on my artistic output.
How did you hear about Sandvox?
Did a Google search, of course!
What made you decide to get Sandvox?
It was for Mac. I have used Claris previously (10 years ago) and that was fine, but Karelia's Sandvox was free. And, when I got used to using it, of course I wanted a website that overran the free pages one can publish. The result? I bought it. But, the fact that I could try it out free of charge was a big lure in the first place.
Now that you have Sandvox, what do you like about it?
It is simple to use. The video is useful (though when your internet connection is costed by megabyte downloads and uploads, you cannot afford to watch the video...) and the help panel is good. However, initially, Sandvox crashed a lot and I couldn't discover why. It didn't seem to harm my efforts. The templates are fine for starters but it is good that one can change these.
The best part -for me, at least - was the ease of uploading the site from the creative software. I tried using FileZilla but got nowhere. So thanks for the incorporation of the upload software. I have done a second website for advertising my rental apartment. Awaiting the go-ahead from my server to upload it to another address. Next, I shall do a site for a friend and upload it to your recommended hosting company. They are competitively priced and it is good to get an additional discount. And you know what? I might quit writing a blog and just incorporate it regularly in a website. Thanks.
What would be a good way to search for a program like Sandvox?