Location: Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia
What kind of websites were you planning to build?
Having successfully built and published my own website using Sandvox, I decided to help out some friends in need of extra publicity for their small studio teaching Balinese music and dance. This site is designed to publicise their work both locally (in Bali) and overseas.
How did you hear about Sandvox?
After I updated my Mac OS I discovered that I no longer had iWeb. I Googled looking for what had happened, found that it was no longer part of iLife, and went looking for a replacement. Sandvox was frequently mentioned in Mac user forums as a good step up from the now defunct iWeb.
What made you decide to get Sandvox?
Originally I chose Sandvox based on recommendations on various internet sites. Having made my own site at www.jepunsegara.com/jepunsegaraphotography, and received a lot of positive feedback, I was really looking for another opportunity to have a play in the Sandvox!
Now that you have Sandvox, what do you like about it?
I love the ease of use, the intuitive nature of the program and the look of the finished product. It looks professional and I'm really happy with the results. Truly a wonderful product!
What would be a good way to search for a program like Sandvox?
Pentas Marak Lestari
“I had a lot of photos for the site so preferred a relatively clean looking site with a black background, but with enough decorative flourishes in the header to make it look arty and interesting.”
Jepun Segara Photography
“Friends have been very complimentary about the site. One friend has now asked me to use Sandvox to design a site for her educational consulting business, which I will be very happy to do.”