Location: Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
What kind of websites were you planning to build?
I needed to build a website for my art business that could show off my work in a nice gallery array.
My original business website was built with IWeb, which dropped its gallery feature when it dropped MobileMe. The websites I built for my son's business are still IWeb based, but I may now convert them to Sandvox.
IWeb is not being maintained/updated and I'm concerned about its ongoing efficacy for our family businesses. It was so easy to build and maintain my Sandvox site, full conversion is a no brainer.
How did you hear about Sandvox?
When I did the above Google search, Sandvox came up over and over again as in the top ten (or better) of development packages for the Mac.
What made you decide to get Sandvox?
After a little more research (mainly on Google) I decided YOU were the best even though at the time you were only months old.
I liked you predesigned sites and that I could buy other good looking designs. I liked your easy HTML code addition tools. I have not even been tempted to code my own HTML with the additional tools you provide.
Now that you have Sandvox, what do you like about it?
Your product is continually evolving with all the right stuff.
Even better than that, it ALWAYS works. I've never been backed up against the wall at midnight trying to get around a bug! Knock Wood that you keep this reliability going.
You are such a wonderful mix of design, reliability, and continual creative evolution with all the new "must haves" in today's web world.
What would be a good way to search for a program like Sandvox?
Best Website Development Software for Macs
Jacqueline Ribich Fine Art
“I have so many stories that I'd love to share, but here is one that involves a wonderfully playful grand-daughter of my client and her cat. I call this little girl who I had the pleasure of drawing, Miss Personality. I had the pleasure of drawing here playful expression for her granny! ...”