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Sandvox User Profile: Marko Peters

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Location: Molenhoek (near Nijmegen, The Netherlands)

What kind of websites were you planning to build?

We have a small business where we try to make beautiful, graphical, interior and art things, so our site is an overview of the projects we have done and the style in which we do our work.
So picture of interiors, logos and other graphical work and Solange's paintings.

How did you hear about Sandvox?

I was looking for a way to build a website by myself and since we work with Apple I came across the Sandvox, Karelia website and tried it for a short while...yep for a SHORT while because it looks very, very, very nice from the beginning.

What made you decide to get Sandvox?

I chose Sandvox because it's easy to use, real time changes can be made at any time easy uploading to your domain and there it is on the World Wide Web...displaying to the whole world, it has a lot of possibilities and of course because it's MAC-compatible.

MAZ vormgevers | 2- en 3D vormgeving

MAZ vormgevers | 2- en 3D vormgeving

“All our work in design and other artistic things”

design architecture paintings maz vormgevers smooth dark