Location: Longwood, Florida, USA
What kind of websites were you planning to build?
We were going to revamp our corporate website, as it had not changed for several years.
What made you decide to get Sandvox?
We had recently "switched" all our internal computers from Windows to Mac's, and one of the first things we tackled after the migration was to make use of Mac's awesome software to revamp our website. After testing a dozen of other products, and interviewing a web design company, we ran into Sandvox. It looked almost too good to be true :-) Needless to say, we stopped looking, and within a week our website was imported and redesigned into Sandvox (even though we are .ASP based and every single one of our pages uses .asp code for content).
Now that you have Sandvox, what do you like about it?
There are several things that impressed us. The first was the number and quality of templates available. We then started looking "on the inside" for functionality, as we needed to ensure our existing .asp code, including our online forum and custom shopping cart would "fit" into Sandvox. This is where we got to see the "inner power" of Sandvox. While extremely easy to use for simple stuff (this was one of the first Mac apps we got to use after switching from Windows, and... WOW!) there is extreme flexibility on customizing many aspects of each page or group of pages, allowing us to inject RAW .asp code in every page, in turn allowing our existing codebase to not break at all. And considering that with a click of a button we can completely modify the entire look of the website by switching to a different template without "breaking" any of our custom pages... yes, I'd say we were impressed.
What would be a good way to search for a program like Sandvox?
Spam Filter ISP - spam filter server for Windows
“The website is the home page for Spam Filter ISP - an anti-spam server used by small businesses, enterprises, and Internet Service Providers. SpamFilter ISP blocks spam and viruses before they reach corporate mail servers. The website allows administrators to download a free demo of the software...”