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4 Sandvox sites tagged “apple”

Welcome to Grand Macs SIG

Welcome to Grand Macs SIG

“I looked at several designs and chose one that to me best fit our group. However, there were many others that would work as well.” — Joyce A. Kloncz

MacRx of Texas LLC

MacRx of Texas LLC

“I chose "Clean Sheets" because I wanted a simple clean site. Visually, that design seemed spare whereas other choices seemed cluttered and distracting to me.” — Mark Bolzan

An Apple Pie For Dinner

An Apple Pie For Dinner

“I was delighted to find that one of the designs that came with Sandvox used exactly the same color scheme as the cover of my book, An Apple Pie For Dinner. It was the perfect choice!” — Sue VanHecke

Lockey Solutions Apple Macintosh Coaching

Lockey Solutions Apple Macintosh Coaching

“I have been helping people with their Macs since 1995 and created some lasting relationships. My website helps you understand how I work for you to find the best solutions that fit your specific needs.” — Kevin Lockey