“It was all simple, straightforward stuff. Nothing fancy and construction was quick , with all the time spent on the content.” — Stephen Pacey
Very Happy Robot
“A customer at a multi-rotor (AKA quadcopter) provider was complaining that building something was too hard, and then they were referred to my site to show that a twelve-year-old girl (me) could do it.” — Coco Kaleel
The Thomas Company
“I used PDF files for the restrictions on the building lots. I used Apple I Phone to take the pictures.” — Corley Thomas
Southeast Studios Inc.
“We organize the wants & needs of our clients into buildings and interior spaces. Our website states how we approach this, and it shows examples of past designs and our experience by project type (built or not). These categories include Commercial Buildings, Multifamily residential & Mixed Use,...” — Phillip Andrew Jessup
CPD Callaway Performance Developments
“I have been waiting over 12 months for someone else to do it. So in the end I did it myself, for about the same time it would have taked to review and sort out the data.” — Greg Callaway