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4 Sandvox sites tagged “classic”

The Official King of the Trees/Creation Seekers Series Website

The Official King of the Trees/Creation Seekers Series Website

“I did receive many compliments on my site when I first launched it. Since then, I have expanded and revised it considerably as my web-design skills have grown. The site also has enabled me to garner more e-mails from potential customers.” — William Burt

Barry Goold

Barry Goold

“I'd previously used another product to set up my site and was intimidated by making any changes so it stayed static for years. With Sandvox I was able to completely change the layout in under an hour, and have been able to add pages and make changes very easily. Hopefully this will make the site...” — Barry Goold

My Pastimes

My Pastimes

“I built my AC Cobra V8-powered car and the site has the full build record. After many years agonising, I decided to sell the car and listed it on my website. An interested buyer contacted me and the car was sold. I'm happy it is in loving hands and there were no other fees or hassle.” — Martin Underhill

“I chose the design after clicking thru a number of the other templates. This one seemed to fit best. That's what I like about Sandvox you can put a site together then apply different templates and compare the designs with the look you want.” — Ed Madak