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3 Sandvox sites tagged “experienced”

Translink Fusion Corporate Finance

Translink Fusion Corporate Finance

“Using image editing software, we created our own banner for the site header, to make it look bespoke.” — Stuart Hands

Experienced Older Actors

Experienced Older Actors

“I couldn't get my name as a domain, so it looked at my self and asked my self what I was. I'm an older actor. I got that domain and started to think about other older actors and decided that maybe a database for older actors might be something that I could do on a national level. I'm just starting,...” — James Evans

Automatic Driving School

Automatic Driving School

“My competitors are very large and their websites are very busy and complicated and hard to understand. I wanted to do the opposite, by finding a template with 'no frills' leading the customer easily straight to the point. The 'Smooth Dark' template makes my simple colours 'pop out' and I believe...” — Dallas E. Booth