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5 Sandvox sites tagged “india”

Stories from the Field: Witnessing the Changes in Indian Society

Stories from the Field: Witnessing the Changes in Indian Society

“India is undergoing a rapid transition and I am involved in studying these changes by carrying out household surveys. This website has three components: It allows me to (1) Share my field observations; (2) Make my academic work available for download; (3) Share links to newspaper articles I write.” — Sonalde Desai

Personale di foto di viaggi

Personale di foto di viaggi

“Just photos and music; nice photos I hope...” — F. Rillici

Evangelistens Misjonstjeneste

Evangelistens Misjonstjeneste

“Hjem forteller om misjonstjenesten, Om oss forteller om historien til misjonstjenesten, Prosjekter viser hvilke engasjement som drives, Nyheter gir et løpende innblikk i arbeidet, Misjonsrapporter gir en månedlig informasjon om arbeidet i india, Kart viser hvor i India arbeidet...” — Geir Øynes

Mundkur Law Partners

Mundkur Law Partners

“This is a website about our law firm in Bangalore, India. It contains a blog on law-related issues affecting M&A, intellectual property and business operations in India.” — Ramanand Mundkur

Six Degree Productions. Documentary Films

Six Degree Productions. Documentary Films

“I chose this design because I liked the colours, position of the script on the page and the way my logo and banner looked” — Robb Bradstock