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3 Sandvox sites tagged “industrial”

fritz a. auweck - Conceptual Photography

fritz a. auweck - Conceptual Photography

“It was necessary to reduce the data size of pictures in a separate work step, because the program transferred them well but included the original data size.” — Prof. Fritz Auweck

PTC Associates

PTC Associates

“Distribution businesses looking for consultants and experts specializing in high volume distributors, including Office Products, Jan San and Industrial. Emphasis on ERP systems, selection and usage, eCommerce, Mobile and Social Media.” — TJ Crayne

Microcemento Coloris

Microcemento Coloris

“I'ts a little early to tell. But, for us, it has already been a departure point. Sandvox helped us to be there and to be in time! Tomorrow, November the first, we'll be in front of the whole Association of Architects of Madrid, and our page will be open and working as a breeze!” — Fco. Javier Estefania