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4 Sandvox sites tagged “informative”

Plug and Play Energy Systems LLC

Plug and Play Energy Systems LLC

“I used to write my sites from scratch, HTML and all that. Now it is much quicker w/ Sandvox; not as powerful or flexible, but easier.” — Sam Monet

Very Happy Robot

Very Happy Robot

“A customer at a multi-rotor (AKA quadcopter) provider was complaining that building something was too hard, and then they were referred to my site to show that a twelve-year-old girl (me) could do it.” — Coco Kaleel

The Bug Barians

The Bug Barians

“We felt that the design fit in well with a color scheme and outdoorsy feel. We liked it because it wasn't slick. The design is a little rough around the edges and is just the kind of thing The Bug Barians® would feel most at home in.” — Marty Byk

Make Do And Mend

Make Do And Mend

“This website helped me to pass my MA with Distinction + got me a feature in Ethical Living Magazine (Jan/Feb 09 issue)!” — Nathalie Gottschalk