Academy of Kung Fu & Tai Chi
“The Academy of Kung Fu and Tai Chi exists to share the teachings of Tien Shan Pai Kung Fu with the martial arts community. The school teaches children as young as 3 to adults of all ages. This is a family environment that includes not only Kung Fu but also Tai Chi, Lei Tai, Little Eagles, and...” — James Nerlinger
Orange County International Goshin Kai Karate School
“I first build the website using Yahoo!s Site Builder application. I built the site while employed at Y! so I wanted to "eat our own dog food" and give some feedback to the YSB people. I quickly found myself using a lot of open source code for things like photo galleries and videos. That ended up...” — Tom Furukawa
Internal Kung Fu Australia
“I chose this design as it matched the colour of my logo. I also chose it as it allowed for more menu's at the top, as it had a wider screen. Many designs have a narrow screen view.” — Phillip Warburton