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5 Sandvox sites tagged “mexico”

Colecciones Almela

Colecciones Almela

“You will find in my website a gallery to my work as painter of the light and sun found int the Mexican countryside, that seeks to inspire and provide a space for contemplation and reflection to the visitor.” — Mario Almela

Grupo TVI

Grupo TVI

“We are a Mexican Company that services Mexico City and the central region of Mexico designing, installing and maintaining data, telecommunications and electrical systems. The main goal of our website is to let our future customers know the different types of services we can provide them” — Victor Unda

Presbyterians on the Frontier

Presbyterians on the Frontier

“I did nothing particularly unusual. The main thing I did was to edit my photo that I wanted to use in the banner because Sandvox does not permit manipulating a photos inserted in a placeholder.” — Parrish Jones

“Viele Besucher unserer Website haben schon mit uns Kontakt aufgenommen und sich im Detail über die von uns besuchten Länder informiert. Per Zufall haben wir ein Paar auf den Malediven wiedergetroffen.” — Thomas Steinmann

Passport To Baja

Passport To Baja

“I new I was on the right track with this site when, in setting up the domain, the person I was speaking to on the phone assisting me, and seeing the website home page, asked where the banner picture was from. “Hawaii,” he asked? “No,” I responded, “its six hours down the road from where...” — Bob Skye