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3 Sandvox sites tagged “recovery”

Studio Sky

Studio Sky

“Unlike my other sites, Studio Sky's site represents three designers, each with strong design preferences. Under those conditions, site designs are likely to be watered down but this site actually accommodates the best of each vision.” — Steve Mouzon

MacRx of Texas LLC

MacRx of Texas LLC

“I chose "Clean Sheets" because I wanted a simple clean site. Visually, that design seemed spare whereas other choices seemed cluttered and distracting to me.” — Mark Bolzan

Accent On Credit

Accent On Credit

“Our initial Logo was that of the wheels turning, hence the caption which remains, "Keeping the wheels of your business turning". We did think of changing it when we changed the picture to that of "Keeping your head above water" BUT that would have gone down like a lead balloon in today's economic...” — Louise Cooper