Alecia's Furniture Refinishing
“I really like the clean lines of this design. The blue color is not the expected shade of blue and it really pops.” — Alecia Wilcox
MJGray Photography
“My design choice was based on the overall appearance of the design when used with a gallery and the visual simplicity along with a dark background which gave me a little room to play in Photoshop for the image presentation. I also needed a responsive design to be viewed on phone/tablets.” — Mary J. Gray
Grindstone Digital Imaging, LLC
“My website highlights the services offered by Grindstone Digital Imaging, LLC. We offer art reproduction, photo restoration services, film and print scanning, large format printing and print finishing and framing.” — Jeff Berg
The Walton Lab: Marine Invertebrate Fisheries, Restoration & Aquaculture
“In our research, we emphasize the use of controlled field experiments to solve applied problems and to answer questions posed by the public. In particular, our work focuses on issues related to marine invertebrate aquaculture, fisheries management, and restoration. Within the Gulf of Mexico,...” — William C. Walton
North Fremantle Leadlights
“I frequently get favourable comments about the site. My customers want to see my work -not read a lot of self praise text!” — Robert Miller-Eves
My Pastimes
“I built my AC Cobra V8-powered car and the site has the full build record. After many years agonising, I decided to sell the car and listed it on my website. An interested buyer contacted me and the car was sold. I'm happy it is in loving hands and there were no other fees or hassle.” — Martin Underhill
“We like the neon background, and it is not to overwhelming to look at. It was easy to play with and very intuitive.” — Jason Komendat, Frederic Amdur
Vintage Traileritis
“I have a vintage trailer blog and Restoration & Pictures of the trailers we have restored. There is a Spartan Manor, Spartan Spartanette and an Airstream and the current project an Alma Silvermoon vintage travel trailer. The goal is to share our love of Vintage trailers and the restoration process....” — Doreen Bailey
“I chose the Sandvox design, Clockwork because it is relevant to the kind of work I do - bringing old photos back to life. Old photos are times past.” — Deke Castleman & Shirlee Severs
Cheryl Hutto Fine Decorative Painting at Crowhill Studios
“I received a request from "the Old Fahioned Milk Paint Company" asking if they could post photos of my work on their site. They had discovered the photos on my Sandvox site of my completed projects which featured their milk paint. They must have Googled "milk paint"!” — Cheryl Hutto
The Photo Magic Store
“My website is designed to showcase my photo restoration services, my special event photography business and other graphics related services.” — Park Owens
“True Story, Ferrari owner spilled a Chocolate Drink on his Leather seats. Since he uses or products as instructed he had no damage to his leather or any stains either.” — Krystine Pavlisko
frame up restoration of a 1967 Chevelle
“This site documents and give hints on restoring a 1967 Chevelle” — Robert Murrow
Shopman's Web Site
“Visitors to my site are a lot more wide spread than I thought. I've had visitors from all over the US as well as a few in Europe and Australia.” — Kent Hansen