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3 Sandvox sites tagged “small”

The Loft & The Twelve Townhouse Apartments in Clovis, CA

The Loft & The Twelve Townhouse Apartments in Clovis, CA

“My website is designed to showcase our great townhouse apartment homes in Clovis, Ca. And, to show them the many amenities and floorplans we have available. Our goal is to have website visitors contact us for more information and schedule a visit to our complex.” — John Steck



“The website, like the business is brand new - so the wild anecdotes of my success will have to wait a little while. There is little question that it has gotten quite a bit of traffic and attention, especially considering that as of this moment I'm still not actually offering anything for sale. That...” — Canucklehead

42 Marketing

42 Marketing

“We didn't really go to town with the web building techniques for this site, but it's going to keep growing and we'll keep on adding content as we go too, so look out for new stuff coming along.” — Ann Pawley