G-rumpy Bears
“Bears for sale - page showing the bears currently available What are the bears made of - the fabrics and stuffings used to make a G-rumpy bear How to buy - a G-Rumpy Bear About Jane - a brief biog Make your own G-Rumpy Bear - a pattern you can buy to make your own teddy” — Jane Leonard
Lichansky Likes
“My website consists of four blogs, the main one being 'Over koken, eten en drinken' (About cooking, food and drink). There the visitor will find good and tasty food in clear recipes - as that is part of my profession as a former TV chef. I want to keep teaching people how to cook really tasty food...” — RaayMac
Winning Smiles
“We reach out to people all over the world through our website, who especially like the same day veneer service we provide. They find us on our website, come to London for a few days, and head home with a new smile!” — Demir