Robert Hull used Sandvox to build this website for GreatPhotography. He chose the “Reflections” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for Photography, photography workshops, photography classes.
Sandvox features used for this site:Blog, External Page, Contact Form, QuickTime Audio/Video, RSS Feed Object, Other Objects, Editing HTML of text, Raw HTML Object
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Describe your website.
Rob Hull's GreatPhotography website provides details about the variety of services offered by Rob. These include Workshops, Classes at SMU in Plano and 1-on-1 Training sessions in addition to information on Portraits and Software developed by Rob.
Who is the target audience for your website?
The classes and workshops outlined in my website are designed for the photo enthusiast. There are offerings for beginners as well as intermediate and advanced shooters. Of particular interest are advanced classes for those users of the Canon DSLR systems.
What is the advantage of your website over others?
When students are looking for photography classes and workshops it's important that they can find the information they need quickly. My Sandvox site provides class details and all the necessary links in pages that aren't buried in a mammoth site.
What techniques did you use to build this website?
To keep the pages that describe my classes and workshop consistent, I developed a page design outside of Sandvox using a simple HTML editor (BBEdit 9). This allowed me to create bullet lists, indents etc. I can then take that HTML and, using Sandvox Pro, insert it where it's needed on any single page.
The result is that I can get enhanced text editing without knowing too much about HTML.