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Sandvox Website Profile: “Jim's Wallpaper and Painting”

Sandvox was the choice for James Martorelli to build his website for He chose the “Lithium Green” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for Custom painting, wallpaper, faux finishes, trims.

Sandvox features used for this site:Blog, External Page, Photo Grid, Contact Form, YouTube, Other Objects, Raw HTML Object

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Describe your website.

My website is designed to bring any homeowner or business into the world of interior and exterior decorating. We can take any space and with the use of wallpapers, custom color painting, faux finishes and wood trims, create an entirely new and different atmosphere that our customers love to live in and show to others.

Who is the target audience for your website?

Since I work, currently in Oakland CA, Melbourne FL and Pittsburgh, PA, I want all Americans to see their own home as valuable. The need to make a "nest " for a family or the need to impress a business client, all rest on first impressions, comfort zones and individual personality. Jims Wallpaper and Painting can make any idea become a reality. The " before and after" photos on my website will inspire the possibilities for any space.

What is the advantage of your website over others?

I don't think there is another company team that offers the range of choices in decorating that Jim's has for creative interior and exterior design as we have been for the last 35 years. Our personal service is really what sets us apart. We listen to what the customer is saying and develop a recipe for decoration together.

Tell us a story about this website.

When I did my son's wallpaper for his office at Pixar Animation Studios, there where a number of people that requested that same pattern. And it turns out it was a pattern that hadn't been common in wallpapering for over thirty years! What goes around in fashion apparently comes around again to a new generation to appreciate.

Why did you use this Sandvox design?

I like the photo albums better than my last choice. The header is more professsional looking to new browsers too.

What techniques did you use to build this website?

I like the ability to show a technique on one page and link it on the same site to the "before and after" pictures so customers can see the dramatic difference for themselves.

Jim Martorelli

This website was created by James Martorelli of Oakland, California, USA.