To build “Independent Recording Artist: Ken Dravis” for Ken Dravis Music & Aspen Leaf Recording, Ken Dravis chose Sandvox. He chose the “Blueball Shadow Gold” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for How to record music.
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Sandvox features used for this site:External Page, Photo Grid, Contact Form, YouTube, QuickTime Audio/Video, Raw HTML Object, Google Integration
Visit Independent Recording Artist: Ken Dravis »
Describe your website.
I wanted to create a page where fans and customers could easily find my website and music. I have been writing and recording original music for most of my life. Through the internet, it should be easy for someone to search for Aviation Music or music about flying and locate my website. I felt Sandvox could help accomplish this.
Who is the target audience for your website?
My target audience is looking for original music which is easy to listen to. As a songwriter, singer, performer and professional pilot, I have released 3 CDs about the fun, thrill and romance of aviation. Many of my website visitors are searching for Aviation Music to purchase as gifts.
What is the advantage of your website over others?
Sandvox allows me to create clean websites quickly and easily. When visitors arrive on my website, I want them to quickly find what they are looking for and be relaxed and comfortable with the layout. Less is more.
Tell us a story about this website.
From the start, when I announced the new web layout, I heard back from several customers and clients that they really liked the look and feel of the new Ken Dravis Music website. That's exactaly what I wanted to hear, that people are finding what the want with ease.
Why did you use this Sandvox design?
Ken Dravis Music should have a clear, fresh look without a lot of ads or distractions. I want potential customers to be relaxed and listen to samples and hopefully purchase full CDs or buy music vis download. I did purchase a web template that I felt would achive the look and feel I wanted.
What techniques did you use to build this website?
I feel that the use of audio and video on a website is a no-brainer. I have been doing that for the past 5 years when I built my first website. Audio and video make the site much more interesting, enjoyable and informative. I am looking at a way to archive videos and help keep the website looking fresh each time visitors return.