Judy Davidson used Sandvox to build this website. She chose the “Blueball Shadow Orchid” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for Labradoodle puppies for sale in Edmonton Alberta Canada.
Sandvox features used for this site:External Page, Site Map, QuickTime Audio/Video, Code Injection, Google Integration
Describe your website.
On the Davidson Doodles website you will find pictures and information about our breeding dogs, and about us as a family. There are lots of photos to view of past litters, as well as current litters when we have puppies available. There are helpful links on the website to different associations, and general labradoodle and dog information. On our website you will see our health guarantee so there are no surprises. You will see many pictures of our puppy socializers i.e. our kids, playing with our dogs and puppies. An important page on our website is the Doodle Differences page which highlights a few of the differences between Australian and American Labradoodles including temperament, asthma and allergy friendly coats, etc. On our website you will also find direct links to Facebook so you can follow us there, as well as a link to our Flickr page where you can view even more pictures.
Who is the target audience for your website?
The website is designed to help people of all ages who have decided to add a furbaby to their family. The demographic is usually 20-40 year olds, usually with kids, but not always! Labradoodles are great pets for everyone! Most of our customers are local, but we have shipped puppies to families all across Canada!
What is the advantage of your website over others?
As a small, family based breeder in Edmonton, Alberta, we are able to offer you a puppy that is well socialized, has been handled a lot by kids as well as adults, and was raised in our home. These are not puppies that are raised outdoors with little to no socialization. What this means is that you get a confident, well adjusted, well socialized puppy to take home.
Tell us a story about this website.
More than once, I have had people who come to my house to see us and our puppies who ask "Who did your website?" and I am thrilled to be able to answer that "I did it myself!".
Why did you use this Sandvox design?
The design I chose was a good match for me because the colors tied into the colours of our logs. Also the layout was such that it was easy for me to add pictures, links, etc. virtually anywhere I wanted.
What techniques did you use to build this website?
With Sandvox, it was easy to create individual albums as collections and I was able to do so in a way that is easy to navigate. People viewing my website can easily select the dog, followed by that dogs litter, and then the individual puppy pictures of that litter at various ages.