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Sandvox Website Profile: “Skûtsje ZonderZorg”

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To build “Skûtsje ZonderZorg,” Michael D. Walsh chose Sandvox. He chose the “Imagine” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for skûtsje built in 1908 by Wildschut in Gaastmeer Friesland.

sailing dutch netherlands cruising canal barge tjalk skûtsje waterway wildschut friesland

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Describe your website.

The website includes some skûtsje history, skûtsje geography, skûtsje design, links to our blogs, a slide show and answers the question: Where's the Barge?

Who is the target audience for your website?

Those interested in our website include the many hundreds who followed our sailing adventures in Yacht Sequitur from Vancouver down the west coasts of the Americas, around Cape Horn and up the east coasts. Also interested are those involved in or wanting to be involved in canal boating and barging in Europe, particularly in historic, century-old Dutch ex-commercial steel barges, and sailing barges in particular, such as tjalks, or tjalken, klippers and skûtsjes. Those who have followed our previous sailing adventures because of the gourmet cooking aboard, will also be interested as we continue fine dining aboard, but now with a European accent.

At the tiller

This website was created by Michael D. Walsh of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.