Sandvox was the choice for Archie B. Duncan to build his website. He chose the “Simply Colorful” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for Magicians in Birmingham, children's parties. birthday entertainm.
church entertainment party sports birthday library magician assisted living cub scouts retirement village pre-school brownies
Sandvox features used for this site:Blog
Visit Experience the Magic of Arch Duncan & Scooter »
Describe your website.
Information on my website is for anyone looking to book a magician for children's birthday parties, cub scout awards banquets, preschool and elementary school educational shows, library summer reading club shows, clean adult programs , church programs, and assisted living and retirement homes programs. The information lists the benefits the client receives and the benefits of hiring an experienced entertainer and what the customer or client can expect which puts them at ease and comfortable with their decision to hire me. I offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Who is the target audience for your website?
The clients I am interested in are those who live within a 75 mile radius of Birmingham, AL. I will travel farther but that means an additional cost for time and distance traveled. Anyone looking for wholesome fun entertainment for all children's or adult entertainment venues are my target audience.
What is the advantage of your website over others?
My website lists the benefits the client will receive.It's not all about me. I also include many testimonials from former clients from all the varied venues at which I have performed. There are many action pictures included which gives the client an idea of what to expect and shows the fun everyone is having.
Tell us a story about this website.
My website was just published this past Friday so as of this moment I have no stories to tell. I can say from my former mac I-web, there were many shows booked without my ever talking personally with the client, just emails.
Why did you use this Sandvox design?
The design was easy to have a set continuation or similarity for each page title. I also liked the color combination I chose which conveys cool warmth which fits my personality and also excites enthusiasm.
What techniques did you use to build this website?
I am a novice and cannot tell you the definition of most of the terms listed above. That's why I did not check them. If I used any interesting techniques, I am not aware of it. I just plodded my way through the design and info as best as I could in a limited amount of time. This may sound negative but that's the way it happened. I have had a couple of non website builders or laymen give me feedback with their thoughts and they were very complimentary about the design and information included.