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Sandvox Website Profile: “Camp Chatterbox”

snapshot of home page

To build “Camp Chatterbox” for Children's Specialized Hospital, Joan Bruno chose Sandvox. She chose the “This Modern Life” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for Therapy Camp for children who use technology to communicate.

non-profit speech-impaired aac camp chatterbox speech-language pathologist

Sandvox features used for this site:External Page, Site Map, QuickTime Audio/Video

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Describe your website.

The Camp Chatterbox website provides information about our mission, the population we serve, how to apply as a camper vs a staff member. It also provides a mechanism for donations. We have a video clip to give potential campers and families a sense of what we are all about and how much fun our program is.

Who is the target audience for your website?

Parents of children diagnosed with cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury, and similar disabilities who are unable to use speech to communicate and need to rely on augmentative communication devices (AAC). Speech-Language pathologists will also view our site to apply to work at camp.

Why did you use this Sandvox design?

I choose the "orange" website color because it is one of the colors of our logo and it looks bright, happy and matches a pediatric model.

Camp Chatterbox 2012 Group Photo

This website was created by Joan Bruno of Mountainside, New Jersey, USA.