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Sandvox Website Profile: “Dr. Kostalena Michelaki”

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To build “Dr. Kostalena Michelaki,” Kostalena Michelaki chose Sandvox. She chose the “No Parking Anytime” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for Archaeology, archaeometry, academia, research, science,.

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Describe your website.

My site aims to describe my research, my projects, my laboratories and my teaching to interested anthropology/archaeology students and researchers.

Who is the target audience for your website?

Anthropology students who are looking for graduate schools, or for post doctorate positions. Archaeologists who work on the technology of ancient ceramics. Archaeologists who research the prehistory of Southern Italy. Scientists who research archaeological dating methods. Archaeometrists who do research on the chemical and mineralogical analysis of ceramics.

Why did you use this Sandvox design?

I loved the colours on the design I chose, because they looked very earthy and archaeological, which matched exactly the content of my site. I also loved the simplicity of the look.

This website was created by Kostalena Michelaki of Tempe, Arizona, USA.