Ulrich Joosten used Sandvox to build this website. He chose the “Smooth Dark” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for modern Folk Music.
song chanson folk music
Sandvox features used for this site:Photo Grid, Site Map, Code Injection

Describe your website.
Our website promotes the band Gabmbrinus with bios of the band members andgives an overview of the music we play and the instruments we use. There is information on the concert prgrammes we offer; additional info provides press media and an a tchnical rides for venues.
Who is the target audience for your website?
Gambrinus-Fans, venues, journalists ... everybody who is interested in good, hand-made folk music.
Why did you use this Sandvox design?
The particular design fits best to the design used for the package of our first CD "Eyah!"