To build “The African Experimenter” for Grupo Faisca, Keith Warren chose Sandvox. He chose the “Clean Sheets” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for Science eduation in Africa.
school technology science africa youth demonstration ciência mozambique tecnologia juventude demonstração escola
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Describe your website.
The website contains articles and demonstration details <http://www.theafricanexperimenter.org/articles-artigos.html>, videos <http://www.theafricanexperimenter.org/video-films-filmes-de-video.html> a magazine <http://www.theafricanexperimenter.org/magazines--revistas.html> reports of work <http://www.theafricanexperimenter.org/contents.html> etc. about the work of the Group. The Group consists of local people plus some international members (who keep in touch through the website and by means of Skype. Its ‘home’ is in the village of KaTembe, near the capital, Maputo. It has a Demonstration Centre in a school and takes demonstrations out to nearby schools. It makes its own videos films.
Who is the target audience for your website?
The local target audience of the site is school pupils, teachers and interested members of the public. Its wider audience is country-wide which we hope to reach by our website to those organistions that have computers and access to the Internet. (Very few schools but some organisations such as the Ministry of Education, some embassies that support educational projects, UNICEF etc.)
What is the advantage of your website over others?
There are very few websites that do what we do. Most are for richer countries and sophisticated audiences. (But see Arvind Gupta’s website for Indian schools.) <http://arvindguptatoys.com>. We design for poor rural schools and use easily-available materials for the demonstrations, very cheap or without cost, such as from town or village ‘trash’.
Tell us a story about this website.
A typical anecdote about our work in villages is at <http://www.mediafire.com/view/?mmdmztmduy1>
Why did you use this Sandvox design?
I have used other website providers for several years but some are quite a struggle. I have not been using Sandvox for long and I haven’t yet read all the manual, so I haven’t come across all the possibilities, but what I particulary like already is that if I put in something new, or make changes, the result appears immediately. That is an enormous advantage to me.
What techniques did you use to build this website?
I haven't used any special page techniques. I will when I am more accustomed to the techniques.