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Sandvox Website Profile: “Global Warming - So What?”

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Sandvox was the choice for Gene R. H. Fry to build his website for none. He chose the “Cirrus” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for humans changing the climate, impacts of climate change.

Sandvox features used for this site:External Page, Site Map

Visit Global Warming - So What? »

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Describe your website.

Global Warming
Climate Change
Natural Climate Change
Data Sets
Warm & Cool
No Water
Carbon Sinks & Sources
Food Impacts
Sea Level, Floods, Weather
Costs, Wars, Disasters, etc.
Coal, Oil, Gas, Nukes
Renewable Energy
Energy Use
Government and Climate Change
CO2 Fertilization
Earth's Temperature History over millions of years
Ice dynamics
Melting in East Antarctica
Vanishing mountain glaciers
Greenland Ice Sheet is a goner
Declining soil moisture
Groundwater depletion
Groundwater loss in California
Groundwater loss in India
Groundwater loss in China
Droughts, Desertification, and Wildfires
Once a century drought
Carbon Sinks & Sources
Thawing Permafrost
Methane Hydrates
Carbon Sequestration
Holistic Management
Removing Carbon from the Air
Rising Food Prices
6th Great Extinction
Biological Range and Timing Changes
Sea Level Rise
Changing Weather - the new normal
Costs of climate change
Climate change promotes wars
Water wars
Climate change disasters
Costs of Coal Use
Decline of Coal
Deaths from Coal
Coal Plant Retirements
Carbon Effect on Stock Prices
Solar Markets
Photovoltaic R&D
World Wind resources
Renewable Energy
80% renewables by 2050
Energy Efficiency
Better MPG
Gas-Electric Hybrids
Electric Vehicles
Charging stations
World Bank on Climate Change
Insurance against climate change
Evangelical Scientists on climate change
AAAS on climate change
Stern Review
National Climate Assessment
Supreme Court Rulings on Regulating CO2

Who is the target audience for your website?

My audience would be educated people who want to learn more about climate change. Many are skeptical that it is happening, than humans have much to do with it, that it is happening very fast, that its effects are mostly bad. Some will think it costs too much to do anything about it, or that action to slow climate change (or global warming) is futile.

What is the advantage of your website over others?

It has an unparalleled library of more than 2,000 articles about climate change. It also has a wider array of graphs about global warming and climate change than any other website I've seen.

Why did you use this Sandvox design?

It was as close to blank as I could get.

Gene & Wife Jane

This website was created by Gene R. H. Fry of Brookfield, Massachusetts, USA. He has also built Global Warming - So What? using Sandvox.