Sandvox was the choice for Keith R. Johnson to build his website. He chose the “Pacific Sky” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for Cribbage in Roseville, Cribbage in Sacramento.
fun information competition tournament intelligent strategic schedule thinking result rule win skill
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Visit Box Car Peggers Cribbage Club »

Describe your website.
Box Car Peggers promotes the use of cribbage in education to demonstrate strategy, probability, patterns, planning, personal interaction, social grace, and sportsmanship. Members play a nine-game tournament for 36 weeks from September through May each year. There are nightly opportunities to win cash and prizes throughout the year. Small dues to join and a small weekly fee cover expenses. [We provide] inks to learn about cribbage, books on the topic, and to local clubs throughout the United States. The schedule of events page shows when we meet. See the results of the current season under 2014-2015 Tournament Results and learn about us and membership.
Who is the target audience for your website?
People with an interest in more social games that offer face-to-face interaction are particularly attracted to cribbage. Cribbage is among the best of the "analog" games around!