Sandvox was the choice for Dave Surace to build his website. He chose the “Outside the Lines Green” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for RC Autogyro plans.
Sandvox features used for this site:External Page, Contact Form, Other Objects, Editing HTML of text, Raw HTML Object, Code Injection
This website is hosted by Sandvox Hosting.

Describe your website.
My site, Whirlybird Aviation contains rc autogyro plan of various styles. Scratch building saves money! The Profile Kellett Autogyro is an entry level autogyro plan. The very popular DAG R1 Autogyro plans shows how to make a stick and frame fuselage autogyro. The DAG R2 Autogyro plan is a full former and stringer fuselage that has that 30s look to it. The DAG 60 Autogyro plan is a large autogyro with a six feet rotor span. Bigger flies better! The Pitcarin PCA 2 autogyro plan sheets is for the scale builder. This scaled 4:1 autogyro is fun to build, section by section I show you the way. On all of my plans...I show you how to build, tips on balancing and how to make blades.
Who is the target audience for your website?
Guys from 18 to 80 have built from my plans. Whirlybird Aviation plans have been sold around the world. I have seen my designs fly in Japan, Switzerland, Germany, the UK, Australia and more I can't think of at the moment.
What is the advantage of your website over others?
My autogyro plans have information of not only the drawings but I give information that most plans do not. I show how to do specific things and also why they need to be done that way for success of a flying autogyro. Making and balancing your rotors from scratch and how to balance them. I give you everything I have learned and put it in a plan. I go into much theory and aerodynamics that not many give in their plans.
Tell us a story about this website.
My site Whirlybird Aviation has gotten many views and everyone is impressed on how the site looks. Guys are looking for rc model autogyros and the proof is in the amount of lookers have stopped by and I have had [an] unexpected sale. I owe it to Sandvox and their web hosting.
Why did you use this Sandvox design?
For my web site, Whirlybird Aviation, I wanted an organized, yet scrap book feel to it. My RC Model Autogyros that were built from my rc autogyro plans look great. The ease of placing photos, information, and counters made this process a pleasure. Hosting to the web from the same company that built my site was a no brainer!
What techniques did you use to build this website?
I chose the Appleseed framework to make my pages. It has a soft craft oriented feel to it. For the most part, I simply wrote a description, dropped in a photo, inserted HTML for the Pay Pal button and lastly, a web page counter. Very easy to do. In the near future, I will add Youtube movies and photo gallery.