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Sandvox Website Profile: “Kat Nesbit”

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Sandvox was the choice for Kat Nesbit to build her website for Coach Kat Nesbit. She chose the “Blueball Synergy Orange” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for business consulting USA.

Sandvox features used for this site:External Page, Photo Grid, Site Map, Contact Form,, YouTube, RSS Feed Object, Other Objects, Editing HTML of text, Raw HTML Object, Google Integration

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Describe your website.

Corporate environments are beginning to recognize the human element and its profound impact on not only a company’s productivity and fiscal success, but also on its people’s personal sense of success, value, and contribution. It’s becoming OK, good even, to seek out knowledge to better do your job.

Being better at some thing equates to being better at knowing who you are, how you operate, what best serves your style, and creating that environment for yourself.

Then there’s gathering and using the tools consistently, to make the change you want to see. We all like to think it’s all of them. That the change we want is external. We have to fix them.

The joy of learning your wrong is learning you have the power to change now, immediately, because the change is in you. You also the power to change next week or never. It’s up to you.

Systems are great. I live by them and can even get a bit myopic implementing and testing new ones. I do that so I may spend more time thinking. What I’m thinking about is the best ways to lead my teams, company, home, associates, and client teams to success.

If you’re a boomer, you have virtually no education in leading your teams and everything you’ve learned has been by your bootstraps and hard lessons learned. If you’re younger than myself, you might have had some exposure to leadership training, but it still wasn't in school, lengthy, or supporting you through the practice and habit of your personal evolution. If it were, you most likely wouldn’t be here.

Since 2005, having honed my skills in a variety of enterprises - from successful launches in the hospitality industry to estate/real estate management - I have worked exclusively as a business and entrepreneurial coach, consultant, and advisor. I am invigorated working with leadership and staff in finding solutions that work not just now, but over time. I like it when my clients graduate and no longer need me.

I have over 15 years of experience in leading teams of 2 to 38 in the industries of hospitality; property management and development; and personal and business services including physicians’ offices, pharmacies and retail. My accounting education is invaluable for helping you delve into your finances using non-accounting language.

My coaching style is rather direct and no nonsense as you can see by my testimonials. I am especially skilled at bringing the broad scope of dreams to manageable tasks and goal setting. I have a rather high emotional intelligence, an ear for the unspoken thought or limiting belief, and the resolve to bring positive results to my clients’ issues.

Who is the target audience for your website?

My primary client audience is private practice physicians; clinics and hospitals; and alternative medicine practitioners. They are males, age 30 to 65. They are professionals, entrepreneurs, small businesses, and sometime start-up operations.
My areas of focus are Jacksonville, FL, Austin, TX, Denver, CO, New Orleans, LA, Nashville, TN, Charleston, SC and Savannah, GA.
They need clarity in understanding their business metrics, goal setting, tactics designing a positive and productive company culture, and creating successful incentive programs for their staff and team.

What is the advantage of your website over others?

Since 2005, having honed my skills in a variety of enterprises - from successful launches in the hospitality industry to estate/real estate management - I have worked exclusively as a business and entrepreneurial coach, consultant, and advisor. I am invigorated working with leadership and staff in finding solutions that work not just now but over time. I like it when my clients graduate and no longer need me.
I have over 15 years of experience in leading teams of 2 to 38 in the industries of hospitality; property management and development; and personal and business services including physicians’ offices, pharmacies, and retail. My extensive people skills make me an excellent resource for marketing strategies. My leadership skills excel in helping you remain focused, communicative, and project driven. My accounting education is invaluable for helping you delve into your finances using non-accounting language.
My coaching style is rather direct and no nonsense as you can see by my testimonials. I am especially skilled at bringing the broad scope of dreams to manageable tasks and goal setting. I have a rather high emotional intelligence, an ear for the unspoken thought or limiting belief, and the resolve to bring positive results to my clients’ issues.

Tell us a story about this website.

My testimonials tell much about how I best serve my clients and why new visits enjoy coming to read about it.

Why did you use this Sandvox design?

Clean and simple.

Kat Nesbit

This website was created by Kat Nesbit of Saint Simons Island, Georgia, USA.