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Sandvox Website Profile: “Yoga with Adele Loux-Turner”

snapshot of home page

Sandvox was the choice for Adele Loux-Turner to build her website. She chose the “Minty Fresh” design for the site.

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Who is the target audience for your website?

This site is built largely for my student base to keep track of my schedule, but also as a way to promote myself to potential new employers. I hope to use the maternity section as a jumping board for mothers to link to other sites in Brooklyn that might benefit them.

What is the advantage of your website over others?

I offer a unique type of yoga experience. I think that my site gives potential students as close an impression of what that experience will be like as they can come to without physically being in my class.

This website was created by Adele Loux-Turner of Brooklyn, New York, USA.