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Sandvox Website Profile: “No Whining Doubles”

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John Eberhard used Sandvox to build this website for J & R Bowling Services. He chose the “Cirrus” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for Information and results of a doubles bowling tournament in Reno.

bowling tournament no whining reno nv singles doubles

Sandvox features used for this site:Contact Form

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Describe your website.

Information and results of a singles and doubles tournament in Reno, NV.

Bowler who have bowled in the tournament can see if they are on the leaders board and those who wish to bowl may contact the tournament to reserve a squad time.

Who is the target audience for your website?

The target audience is any bowler who visits Reno, NV and want to bowl in a tournament.

Whether they be a handicap bowler or a scratch player, they are welcome.

What is the advantage of your website over others?

This is a unique tournament for a target audience of bowlers only.

With an entry fee of only $ per bowler, anyone can afford to bowl in it at least once, although bowlers are allowed to bowl as many times as they wish.

Tell us a story about this website.

The no whining doubles website was the result of a T-shirt sold at our pro shop a couple of years ago. The T-shirt drew such attention that we thought it would be a good way to introduce a tournament with the same message: No Whining. Since bowlers like to whine, it has gotten a lot of attention!

Why did you use this Sandvox design?

I just liked the look of the design. What else is there to say?

This website was created by John Eberhard of Reno, Nevada, USA. He has also built J & R Bowling Services using Sandvox.