To build “Pac West Elevator Inc.,” Teri Speel chose Sandvox. She chose the “Aurora Palace Blue” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for Commercial Elevator and Escalator Installation.
business consulting service professional information custom quality maintenance installation inspection handicapped elevator
Sandvox features used for this site:Photo Grid, Site Map, Contact Form, Google Integration
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Describe your website.
Pac West Elevator Inc. is a full service elevator company. We specialize in both commercial and residential applications. We install, modernize, and service virtually all makes and models of elevators, escalators, stairlifts, wheelchair lifts, and dumbwaiters. Our goal is to provide our clients with only quality equipment at an affordable price. We take pride in our work, and remember, even the highest quality product is only as good as its installation team.
Who is the target audience for your website?
The target consumers for Pac West Elevator Inc. are contractors and home owners who are installing an elevator in their custom home located in Northern California. Senior Citizens and handicapped persons who wish to maintain their mobility in their current home have the opportunity to have a stairlift or wheelchair lift installed. Businesses that need a new elevator or service on their existing elevators or escalators to stay compliant with California State Code could also benefit from our services.
What is the advantage of your website over others?
Our website is very easy to navigate, and its appearance is neat and professional. It provides more information about our products and services than our competitors websites.
Tell us a story about this website.
It is helpful to maintain a professional website to not only to draw potential clients, but also to impress our vendors. During the dealership interview process, one of our manufactures checked out our website, and couldn't wait to sell to us, just so then they could be listed as a vendor with a link to their own home page.
Why did you use this Sandvox design?
Choosing a Sandvox design that had a clear logo space, clean lines, and good contrast was important. Some of our clients suggested that we enlarge our font, and brighten our colors for easier viewing. It was very simple to alter the appearance by choosing a different color pallet within the same design.
What techniques did you use to build this website?
In order to achieve the look and feel of a great website, search your competitors sites. You will be able to see what works, and more importantly, what doesn't. It seems that a lot of sites were overly complicated with really cool graphics, that were useless and took too long to load. Potential clients that are looking at your site, only ave a few seconds to be impressed. If it takes too long to load- they will go somewhere else. I chose to use the thumbnails in the gallery, and lowered the resolution on my pictures, for a speedier load time.