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Sandvox Website Profile: “Nighthawk Canoes”

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To build “Nighthawk Canoes” for Nighthawk Canoes, Benjamin Skroch chose Sandvox. He chose the “Cirrus” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for Lightweight Canoes in Minnesota.

handmade canoe kevlar lightweight

Sandvox features used for this site:Photo Grid

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Describe your website.

Nighthawk Canoes makes very unique lightweight canoes. As a small shop, I have a somewhat unusual order process. The website is designed to provide information about us, the available models and features, and options. It also needs to clarify order info, and provide pictures so customers can see what I'm doing.

Who is the target audience for your website?

Nighthawk Canoes are the highest quality canoes, and are extremely lightweight. These are great canoes for people who canoe in Minnesota's boundary waters, or Wisconsin's northern lakes. People with a family or a dog will love the flexible layout and stability of these canoes. Retired paddlers will find these canoes are still easy to carry and transport. These canoes are great for fishing, camping or lake touring. They perform well in the sort of adverse conditions that advanced paddlers sometimes deal with, but they are stable enough for novice paddlers to feel comfortable. These canoes are handmade and are uniquely attractive, while retaining the lightweight and strength of kevlar construction.

What is the advantage of your website over others?

In addition to information about my canoes, you can contact me and order a canoe directly through the website. All of our options are clearly explained and priced on the website.

Why did you use this Sandvox design?

I wanted a design that was smart, professional, and clear. There's a lot of information on my website, so I didn't want the design to be too cluttered or fancy.

What techniques did you use to build this website?

I needed to set up my photo album in a somewhat complicated way. I wanted a sort of photo collection of canoes out on the water, but I also needed to show specific models and specific features to illustrate options described elsewhere on the website. I especially like that Sandvox allows me to put a photo album inside a photo album, so I can have one pictures section, but have it divided into categories that show general photos, specific models, and specific features. That way, visitors can easily find the kind of images they need, without sorting through the dozens of pics that are now posted on the site.

Benjamin Skroch of Nighthawk Canoes

This website was created by Benjamin Skroch of USA.