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Sandvox Website Profile: “Stepps Treatment Program Workshop”

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To build “Stepps Treatment Program Workshop,” Dr. Ian Gillespie chose Sandvox. He chose the “Clockwork” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder/Emotional Intensity.

education medicine psychotherapy treatment psychology psychiatry disorder personality stepps corrections borderline

Sandvox features used for this site:Site Map, Contact Form,, Other Objects, Editing HTML of text

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Describe your website.

Conference registrants needed the STEPPS workshop brochure, BPD bibliography, map to workshop, and registration form (full page). There were also handouts for public lecture, map to Pemberton Chapel, poster for public lecture, and Amazon list. Environmentally friendly and cost-effective system that saved on printing and organizational time. It will make it easy to plan a similar future event.

Who is the target audience for your website?

The target audience included psychologists, psychiatrists, and other health care professionals and students. Lawyers practicing family law, mediators, and individuals employed in the correctional system would also find this information of value.

Tell us a story about this website.

Lucille Ball said, "If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it." Well, that only works if they have good tools that are fast and effective to use. Sandvox is such a tool.

Why did you use this Sandvox design?

The gears image symbolizes the importance of working closely together and being engaged in the tasks, as well as just being an attractive graphics design. It was nice to repeat the theme on the poster.

What techniques did you use to build this website?

Pages did a great job of creating the trifold conference brochure and a poster to advertise a free public lecture. Then it was very helpful to just email the link to the website to people who might be interested in this educational program. Easy access, if they wanted it, and just a short email to read.

This website was created by Dr. Ian Gillespie of Victoria, BC, Canada.