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Sandvox Website Profile: “Composite Boat Construction”

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To build “Composite Boat Construction” for Joe Kitchell, Joseph Kitchell chose Sandvox. He chose the “Imagine” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for boat construction, traditional boats, captain.

construction catamaran boat sailing delivery carbon composite yacht wood-epoxy infusion boatbuilder captain

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Describe your website.

The purpose of the website is to explain the types of composite boat construction I do. It allows me to give examples of systems work, captain's positions, and the traditional boats I've been involved with. As a traveling boat builder and captain, it is very difficult to offer an easily accessed resume without the use of the web.

Who is the target audience for your website?

The most likely people to be interested in my website are current or potential charter boat owners as well as wealthier people with an interest in the ocean whether it be sailing, fishing, or yachting.

What is the advantage of your website over others?

I believe the major reason people like to use me is my broad experience base. Most small shops have one particular skill set. They hire "outside help" for details, which costs considerably more than having someone that can build a mold and install your radar system. Also, when hired as a captain or engineer, I am likely to be able to fix what breaks. When traveling through developing countries, this is a huge bonus as it can become very expensive when your boat breaks down without easy access to US facilities.

Tell us a story about this website.

I sure hope my website gets me a great project....

Why did you use this Sandvox design?

I chose this design because I am pretty sure the boat in the picture is the "Shangri La" in Maui, a boat I have done some work on. I know the designer, drove the owner's other boat, and have worked with the shop that built it. It's not a very clear picture, but there is not very many boats out there like it.

What techniques did you use to build this website?

Sorry, I don't think I did much of anything interesting. Just tried to make it look halfway decent and not waste much time. I'm no web genius.

Lil' Mak and I

This website was created by Joseph Kitchell of Panama City, Panama.