Jim Kofron used Sandvox to build this website. He chose the “Krypton Pro Gallery” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for Photography in Wisconsin.
photography family dog camera kid curly coated retriever
Sandvox features used for this site:Blog, External Page, Photo Grid, Contact Form, RSS Feed Object, Other Objects
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Describe your website.
My website has a blog, which has quite a bit of photos as well as what's happening locally. There's lots of references to dogs (we raise Curly Coated Retrievers) and kids (we raise three of those). I have a couple of pages of "top 12" photos, one for B/W photography and one for color photography. There's a set of galleries for thematic work that I've done over the years, and there's a community gallery page that has galleries of local interest (like cast photos for the local school).
Who is the target audience for your website?
Family, friends and coworkers are the people who are most interested in this site. I also get a lot of interest from prospective puppy owners once a litter of puppies is born—I chronicle their lives with the camera. Finally, people who are interested in photography may enjoy the site, especially those interested in landscape work, portraiture, and animal photography.
Why did you use this Sandvox design?
I was originally a little hesitant around purchasing Sandvox, because of the size limitation of the photos on a page. When I came across Cubicle Wide from Blueball Designs I was thrilled; now I could get much larger photographs onto the pages without any trouble. I took the design and changed the css to display a darker gray scheme, but I've switched back now (and after messing with the css, I think Charlie earns every penny he gets for these...)
What techniques did you use to build this website?
One thing that I wanted to do with my website is to continue to use my Jalbum based photo galleries in conjunction with the Sandvox main site. I like the additional control that I can get with Jalbum. By using the "List of Links" page, I find that I can very easily do this. I may eventually generate a thumbnail per gallery and then put these into a rich text page and link to the external pages this way---but for now, this is pretty easy.