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Sandvox Website Profile: “Toora West”

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Christie Freeman used Sandvox to build this website. She chose the “Simply Blue” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for Angus Cattle, bulls, Toora West Garden.

garden agent stock scale farmer beef steers bulls feedlot angus cattle heifer

Sandvox features used for this site:External Page, Photo Grid, Site Map, Editing HTML of text, Raw HTML Object, Google Integration

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Describe your website.

This website is designed to showcase Toora West cattle, which are renowned for scale, temperament, and fertility; a commercial combination which makes them sought after throughout the industry. It also promotes the Toora West garden as worth seeing for the espaliered apple tree alone. But the relaxed combination of natives and exotics framed by the beautiful Grampians views makes this garden well worth a visit. It also gives contact details for Toora West as well as a map for those planning to visit either the catttle stud or garden.

Who is the target audience for your website?

Beef producers in Australia, especially in South West Victoria, but also across Victoria, South Australia, and into New South Wales will be interested in this site. Farmers and graziers producing steers, fat cattle, weaners and stores for finishing or feedlots who are seeking good commercial bulls are the key targets. Stock agents seeking cattle for their clients would also be a target. The other audience is garden lovers and tourists visiting the Grampians region.

What is the advantage of your website over others?

This website highlights the Toora West ethos - quality without burdening the customer with additional cost. Toora West customers come back year after year to purchase bulls and other stock because they are guaranteed quality that will perform. Toora West has limited its promotional activities to those that allow the customer to see the product without the massive costs of on-farm auctions. Simply, whether the customer is a beef producer or a stock agent or a feedlot, we stand behind our cattle. Toora West steers get great results for our clients in the sales yards. Progeny of Toora West Cattle are good to handle, fertile and are sought after throughout the industry for their scale and cover. The attributes of our cattle translate directly into dollars for our customers. We breed the cattle that we love to handle - they are easy to manage on the ground, despite their huge size, and they are renowned for high fertility levels. Their success does not come from smoke and mirror statistics; there is no truer indication of how good they are than the dollars per kilogram that buyers are willing to pay for them.

Tell us a story about this website.

Straight away the website allowed some interstate visitors to navigate their way to our place which is quite remote and not easy to find.

Why did you use this Sandvox design?

The simple black background of Slate manifest was a perfect match to the black and white branding of Toora West.

What techniques did you use to build this website?

As a novice, probably the most challenging thing I managed was linking a Google Map into the contacts page. As this property is quite tricky to find, this has proven really useful.

Christie Freeman

This website was created by Christie Freeman of Melbourne, Australia.