To build “Heaven Mountain Taijiquan UK” for Heaven Mountain, Paul Brewer chose Sandvox. He chose the “Aurora Palace Blue” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for Tai Chi in UK.
meditation energy healing relaxation exercise taijiwuxigong taijiquan shen taiji taichi qi yinyang
Sandvox features used for this site:Blog, External Page, Photo Grid, Site Map, Other Objects
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Describe your website.
Hello: I am Paul Brewer, the head teacher of the Heaven Mountain TaiJi College, based in Surrey in the United Kingdom. I have been a TaiJi / Tai Chi practitioner for over 25 years and a Mac computer enthusiasts for about the same length of time. The Heaven Mountain website, has always been built on a Mac, but since January 2008, I have installed and have been using Sandvox, which has made my life much easier.
A key aim of our website was to provide Taiji students of Heaven Mountain with the Latest News and about our Taiji? and our Taijiwuxigong? classes in London, Brighton, Bristol, our Surrey Classes and other classes around the United Kingdom.
As well as informing people about Taiji and about Taiji principles, we also wanted to present the Buqi Healing system: as we are connected with the Buqi Institute, which is the international vehicle for the work of my Teacher Dr. Shen Hongxun, we also wanted to make available lists of Contacts, lists of Colleagues Sites, a Gallery and of course a Date List so that both existing and prospective students would be able to find out what was going on and where and when it was happening. We also wanted the site to contain as far as possible all the preliminary information for some one considering Joining a Class.
Who is the target audience for your website?
Our Taiji and Taijwuxigong classes are suitable for amost anyone from 18 to 80 years of age who has an interest in and a desire for self development and better health and who is prepared to do a little regular exercise and learn a few better habits in order to pursue that goal.We have all kinds of students from computer programmers and company directors to tree surgeons and housewives: male and female: older and younger. For the more committed students we can offer more sophisticated tuition up to and including traditional Taiji push hands and combat and weapons forms; medical qigong and Energy Healing
What is the advantage of your website over others?
When I began my Taiji career in 1984 there were only a couple of Teachers in the whole of London. Now there are literally thousands of them: sadly, most of them don't know very much: They are not bad people: they are in general doing their best. They just never met a proper Taiji teacher or anyone who either knew or could pass on anything of real value. They just got some shapes and no content. Taiji can be many things: it is, however, regardless of family style, martial content or lack thereof, inescapably the manifestation, philosophy, study and practice of Yin and Yang. Most of the modern teachers that you will come across not only lack a decent experience of having studied with a genuine expert, they have little concept of yin and yang: this is why if you go to a selection of Tai Chi classes across the UK you will find in general two types of class: in one, there will be a substantial martial content: applications and sparring will probably be practised: however, sadly, because of the lack of attention to yin and yang and the lack of understanding of proper teaching and principle, the essential t’ai chi philosophy of soft overcoming hard will be ignored and victory will go to the stronger and the larger. In the other class, there will probably be a touchy-feely kindness, pleasant but unsubstantiated philosophies and ideas will be discussed, wafting and shapeless forms, pleasurable but without function and modest but ineffective exercises, will be taught in a slightly vague fashion. The first class is too yang: the second-class is too yin. The goal is balance: sadly, both fail.
Holding to original and authentic principles, yet constantly evolving and changing as the world around us does, we seek to provide genuine knowledge and skills, relevant and useful to our everyday existence, striking a meaningful balance between yin and yang, medical and martial, mind and body, concentration and relaxation. You will find this in very few other classes.
Tell us a story about this website.
When I changed from Pagemill to Sandvox and updated the site everyone went "wow, thats great!"
Why did you use this Sandvox design?
Clarity and the ability to present a lot of information in a digestible format