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Sandvox User Profile: Stefan Gunnarsson

Stefan Gunnarsson at Feedback Academy

Location: Stockholm, Sweden

What kind of websites were you planning to build?

I am an organizational consultant and a writer. I wanted a website to get customers to get to know what services I offer. I primarily work as a consultant, write and research about feedback.
I run Workshops to implement a feedback culture and train the participants (both managers and employees) to use and understand the power of feedback. My work i conducted either in English or Swedish. For the current research project, the Research question is ”How can feedback be used to accelerate the development of a multi-cultural work group?”. So I needed a website to sell my services, the Feedback book and publish some of my research.

(There is also a version of the sites in Sweden

How did you hear about Sandvox?

I surfed and found a few alternatives like R/W and a few others.

What made you decide to get Sandvox?

Before, I had the site in iWeb (it looked messy due to much free form and was a total failure from an SEO-perspective). I have to say iWeb is more or less useless if you want to be found with Google/Bing and such.
In Sweden the Swedish version of the site was always 100+ when searching for the word Feedback in Google.
After I changed to SEO-friendly Sandvox and some tweeking/help, I am on first page (#6) when you search for Feedback in Sweden.

I also tried to use Dreamweawer but it was way to complicated - I need time for my business and not program day and night:)

So thank you guys at Karelia, you have done a great job!

Now that you have Sandvox, what do you like about it?

I think it is great and does the job, the ability to tweak it with code injection solves a lot of issues that you always get when using a toll to generate a site.

What would be a good way to search for a program like Sandvox?

web site creation software mac os x

Feedback Academy

Feedback Academy

“As mentioned before, the site sky rocketed when you searched for the word "feedback" in Sweden from 100+ (when using iWeb) to number 6. Thanks Karelia.”

training management workshop leadership team building feedback