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Sandvox Website Profile: “Feedback Academy”

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To build “Feedback Academy,” Stefan Gunnarsson chose Sandvox. He chose the “Blueball Gravitas Green” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for organizations and companies that want to implement a feedback.

training management workshop leadership team building feedback multicultural conflict diversity seminares positive f communication training eedback

Sandvox features used for this site:External Page, Contact Form, Raw HTML Object, Code Injection

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Describe your website.

Our belief is that individuals and groups striving to do a good job. We also know that these individuals and groups succeed there needs to be the right conditions - is missing the right conditions, life becomes a big fight. By introducing or developing a feedback culture along with working with performance management creates opportunities for everyone to be winners. Groups or organizations achieve their goals and the individual is experiencing development and get the vital confirmation. For that we need feedback.

Why feedback?

• Improve performance

• Achievement of Objectives

• Develop individuals and groups

• Building good relationships

Who is the target audience for your website?

Organizations, companies, departments, project teams.

Managers/Leaders and employees.

Mono culture groups or multi-culture groups (as we do research on multi-culture groups)

What is the advantage of your website over others?

This website combines consultant services with testimonies from participants (managers/employees). As an advantage we have published books about feedback that you can order from the site "Professional Feedback - The Magic of Conscious Meetings". As we are doing PhD research on feedback we will publish some of the result on the site in the future. As feedback is very existential in it’s nature - there are also some ”poems” and pictures related to feedback.

Tell us a story about this website.

As mentioned before, the site sky rocketed when you searched for the word "feedback" in Sweden from 100+ (when using iWeb) to number 6. Thanks Karelia.

Why did you use this Sandvox design?

I choose the Gravity theme from Blueball Design. I love it.

Stefan Gunnarsson at Feedback Academy

This website was created by Stefan Gunnarsson of Stockholm, Sweden.