Location: Göttingen, Germany
What kind of websites were you planning to build?
I have ideas about silly web sites that need creation all the time. These range from simple sites for sharing party photos to themed photo collections to more elaborate hierarchical sites with plenty of text.
What made you decide to get Sandvox?
I am assisting Karelia with some of their design work and nothing beats first hand experience with the software to get an impression what it is about and how it works.
Besides, Sandvox also makes creating sites for which I don't want to create a new design very quick and handles all the chores like site menus, image management and RSS feeds for me.
“This site doesn't use any extra tidbits. The only non-obvious thing about it may be the photo-grid on the start page. But once you know that this can be set up by choosing the desired settings in the Page → Collection part of the Inspector, even that is quite simple.”
“I am using my own photo collection index with large images on this site. Code Injection is used to tweak the design a tiny bit.”
photography photo film black and white grain analogue
iPhoto Face FAIL
“I like Brown & Green as a simple and clean design which stands out due to its colour scheme. It works best with clean sites that aren’t too busy with callouts and pagelets, so it seemed to be a reasonable match here.”
fail iphoto recognition
Tiramisu Recipe
“Clockwork’ background color seems to go well with the cooking theme. In addition, the Clockwork design was among the first round of designs to support custom banner images.”
“A very straightforward site with a photogrid index on its main page and a few small styling tweaks via code injection.”
advertising zapfino
Quality Products
“As my site is mostly concerned with technical devices, the Clockwork design with its cogwheel banner image seemed a good match.”