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8 Sandvox sites tagged “recipe”

Myrna White

Myrna White

“My wife's favorite color is green and the Aurora Palace Green design fills the entire screen, irrespective of the size, with green.” — Philip White

The Glycemic Method

The Glycemic Method

“We were invited to dinner at a friends home with the admonition that they didn't eat the typical Austrian diet, but would love it if we would join them for dinner at their home. We ate a wonderful dinner of salmon, salad, vegetables, and berries and cream for desert. All through the dinner we...” — Robert Lillie

The Marvelous Site

The Marvelous Site

“I chose this design because it is neat and clean but not clinical. It is a design that inspires creativity. It also has a slight Japanese feel to it, and ancient Japanese poetry was the inspiration for the book reviewaka creation.” — Diana L. Armentor

Ollo Foods

Ollo Foods

“The website is our tool to extend the awareness of our products. We are a relatively young company and needed to be 'out there' promoting the company by building the brand image as 'ollo foods' and the home of passionate & excitingly good food! We are artisan producers, so everything we produce is...” — Dileep Sharma

Eyes Fixed

Eyes Fixed

“I remember a lady calling me after reading my story. She was so encouraged as she and her husband had come out of a substance abuse background. They needed the encouragement to keep believing that they could succeed in their recovery. Years later, this couple serves in a ministry to people with the...” — John Pirrotta

Blender Wellness

Blender Wellness

“The design chosen for this site allowed for a clean, professional look in my desired color scheme and provides flexibility for placing content.” — Steve Heap

BBQ Chicken Recipe Secrets

BBQ Chicken Recipe Secrets

“I like the "Aqua" design. I went into the css file and tweaked the header, made it larger to accommodate my header image.” — Ken Taylor

Tiramisu Recipe

Tiramisu Recipe

“Clockwork’ background color seems to go well with the cooking theme. In addition, the Clockwork design was among the first round of designs to support custom banner images.” — Sven-S. Porst