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Sandvox Website Profile: “Eyes Fixed”

snapshot of home page

Sandvox was the choice for John Pirrotta to build his website. He chose the “Aurora Palace Green” design for the site.

Sandvox features used for this site:Blog, External Page, Photo Grid, Custom Collection Index, Site Map, Contact Form

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Describe your website.

On my website I share my story because I believe it inspires the reader to explore faith as a means to healing and wholeness.

Who is the target audience for your website?

My site is for people who are looking for evidence of how faith in Jesus can change a life for the better.

What is the advantage of your website over others?

It's a real story about real change, hope inspired.

Tell us a story about this website.

I remember a lady calling me after reading my story. She was so encouraged as she and her husband had come out of a substance abuse background. They needed the encouragement to keep believing that they could succeed in their recovery. Years later, this couple serves in a ministry to people with the same struggles.

Why did you use this Sandvox design?

I love the choices of the designs in Sandvox. I change my design once a year.


This website was created by John Pirrotta of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.